Digiteeri oma äri

Enjoy coffee - forget paperwork

Do you dread reporting business expenses to the accountant? Simplify the process with CostPocket! Upload documents via our app or email, and let our digitisation robot extract the data and sync it with your accounting software.  Say goodbye to physical document collection and manual data entry — embrace paperless accounting with CostPocket. Use promo code TECHCHILL23 and try our Robo plan for free for 3 months (up to 5 users). Download the app and register now:

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A Game-Changing Document Digitisation Robot over API 🚀

Transform the way you manage expense documents with DIGI, the latest innovation from CostPocket! Our ditisation robot offers:     ✅ Easy implementation with a few lines of code     ✅ 90%+ accuracy rate    ✅ Compatible with images and PDFs  Learn more at digi.costpocket.com