Get in touch
CostPocket OÜ
Reg. code: 14016832
VAT Number: EE101884549
IBAN: EE367700771001931368 5656 1148
Martin Sookael

Martin is the heart of CostPocket. If you wake up in the morning and discover a new feature in the app then it was most probably Martin’s idea and execution. He is always cheerful and smiling and knows just about every other person in the world!
Eduard Kotov
When Eduard talks the world listens, because every single word coming out of this guys mouth is pure gold! He is incredibly smart as besides all other things he put together the Optical Character Recognition the app is using!
Joonas Sernjuk
Joonas is the energetic guy on the phone that all the accountants love to listen to. Besides having a charming voice he knows just about everything there is to know about CostPocket and all the integrations to accounting softwares.
Viivika Lumberg

Quite possible Viivika is the reason, why you are reading this here. She masterminded a long-term strategy to get people to our website and well, here you are. Viivika joined us quite early on and during here tenure the number of our customers has more then ten-folded. Mysterious, bright and amazing!
Maarika Siilsalu
Marketing specialist

Maarika is a bright and helpful young woman who cheerfully walks into the office each morning, greeting everyone with a smile. So far, no one has been found who doesn’t get along well with her. Thanks to her quick learning ability and interest in finding swift solutions to problems, she is the one who answers support calls and emails from Estonian clients.
Baiba Dakša
Front End Developer

Baiba gets things done. She has a really good eye for details and she understands complex systems very easily. She is the perfectionist among us - approaching every task systematically and never misses a detail. Before learning programming she was actually a cook, so she has a really good taste! At CostPocket she is responsible for how our app looks and feels like (it looks fantastic, right ;)).
Keir Volas

Keir is a straightforward young man, extremely hardworking, and gets straight to the point. And at the same time, he is obviously following the rule “work hard, play hard”, because he also knows how to rest and feel well. In addition to IT, his interests include everything related to high-speed cars. In CostPocket, he is responsible for text recognition.
Nazmul Basher

Nazmul is a thorough person who can learn very difficult systems and make them clear to himself. In addition, he has a great passion for cooking and there is always something to talk about with him. At CostPocket, he develops systems.
Andrius Žiuraitis
Expectations manager

Since Andrius joined us, we became more structured in our activities. He is all about creating sustainable systems so that everyone would know exactly how things should happen. Reading the previous sentence you´d assume he is a developer… Actually, he is a very very creative person, showing us the best dance moves and telling the most interesting stories. And in CostPocket he is dealing with our the copy and bringing us to the Lithuanian market
Ats Marek Tender
Developer / Sensei

The youngest member of CostPocket who most definitely has the most energy and fresh ideas. There is not a single task this man couldn't solve in a heartbeat! And at the same time, he can tell you 3 jokes. Ats is the forever smiling web-developer and head of OCR!
Tauri Helimets
Customer support

Tauri is our connection with the world!
If you have a problem, let Tauri know and he will let the right people know.
Tauri solves problems with the urgency of a rescue worker and your customer satisfaction is important for him.
Kristjan Suursoho
Developer / Designer
Kristjan is our young product and web designer. Quite honestly saying, the whole team is amazed by this guys everlasting desire to do and then do even more! He has got the eye, the hand and a lot of good ideas!
Monika Englicht
Poland Manager

The one person to kick down any door is Monika. She is an amazingly strong and skilled woman who will find solution to any problem. You will see that talking to her is easy and productive, as she is also very friendly and always smiling. She is the best combination for an excellent Country Manager!
Kaspars Gaļimovs
Country Manager

Our meetings would be much more boring without Kaspars! His ability to communicate is admirable and he never lacks ideas. In addition, he is eager to learn and always wants to look for and offer the best possible solution for customers. At CostPocket, he is the country manager for Latvia.
Toni Kivinen
Finland Country Manager

Toni is a systematic planner who can ask all the right questions. He always envisions a long-term action plan in his head and he likes to polish activities to every detail. He has a long and successful experience in the Finnish financial software market, which is why Toni is responsible for developing the Finnish market at CostPocket.