Remote work tool
Full digital accounting is now a solved problem. With CostPocket is possible to digitize the last papers and forward them to accounting.
Digital accounting is helpful because lately it's kind of hard to go out the door and really don't wanna go there either.
Digitize invoices and receipts without a signup fee
The easiest and fastest way to start getting all invoices and receipts digitally is to use CostPocket app. Simply set up an account, integrate it with your accounting software and you are all set! No signup fee or waiting, just download, set up your account, and start using! Save up to 63% of the time spent on receipts and invoices.
Make a picture of a receiptSnap a photo of your receipt with the CostPocket app. The picture is digitized in the app and you can see all the digitized info in the app. Once you have integrated CostPocket with your ERP, we will send all info there automatically. 
Make a picture of an invoiceYou can also take photos of invoices - everything will work the same way as with receipts. Once you have integrated CostPocket with your ERP, we will send all info automatically there.
Forward invoices with emailAll the invoices you get on your email can easily be forwarded to your unique @costpocket email. Those invoices will go through digitization process and will be forwarded to your ERP. 

Integrates seamlessly

Costpocket integrates seamlessly with leading accounting, payroll and payment software, so you can create a final solution that suits every user.