Starting with CostPocket as an Accounting Agency

Follow the following 4 steps to have a great start with CostPocket as an accounting agency:

1) Register client companies
With Merit, Joosep, Standardbooks, Briox, Simplbooks customers, the easiest to  register clients is through accounting software - you simply activate the CP integration for all customers. Then these companies will be registered in our system automatically and the email address in the software will be admin.

CostPocket and software interface guides can be found here:

2) Select a pricing plan
This must be done for each client separately in Settings > Plans. When registered, all companies start with a free demo plan. 

The plans can be selected as follows:

3) Set billing to your company
Indicate your company as an invoice receiver for each of the companies you manage in
Settings > Company information

By doing so, the discount for accountants will be automatically applied.

4) Add users
Send the invites to the people who will be submitting the documents to each of the companies. As an administrator of the account, you can do it in Settings > Users

PS! We have two environments:
app developed for regular users
- cloud designed for accountants overview and sorting documents in bulk.