
Statuses of documents and reports

Find all possible statuses for documents and reports when using CostPocket. Besides Single Documents and Reports, we also include statuses for the Approval Rounds and automatic Currency Conversion services.

Colour Codes

Status Table
Colour Code Explanation
Inputs from the submitter have not been finalized
An issue that requires an action by the submitter
In process, no action is needed by the submitter
Additional action is needed
All processes have been completed

Single Documents

Status Table
Colour code Status Explanation
Attachment Submitter has marked the uploaded file as an attachment and it is not considered a cost document. This status for a document is possible only inside of a report.
Draft The receipt has not been submitted after it was uploaded and processed.
Missing picture The system did not receive the image or file of the expense document. Possible reasons: malfunction during upload, internet connection, too big file size. Do not confuse it with the “Cost without document” label. The latter means the image of the cost document was not added intentionally.
Invalid document Human digitizer marks this label in case the document is not a valid expense document or the picture of it is of insufficient quality. Possible with human verified digitisation plan only.
Duplicate Robot or human digitizer has detected that a receipt with the same data (document number, date, sum, supplier) has already been added. This document will not be sent to accounting software unless the data is corrected.
Forwarding failed Accounting software did not receive the document. The reasons could be incorrect or incompatible receipt data, incorrect integration setup, or malfunctioning system.
Being digitised Document data is waiting to be verified by a human digitizer. Possible with human verified digitisation plan only.
Processing Receipt is on its way to the accounting software. Usually processing takes only a few seconds.
Digitised The document was digitised (digitised and verified by a human for Precision and Pay as you go plans). However, the document must be added to a report in order to forward it to the accounting software.
Digitised The document was digitised (digitised and verified by a human for Precision and Pay as you go plans).
Forwarded The document has reached accounting software.


Status Table
Colour Code Status Explanation
Draft The submitter is still preparing the report and has not submitted it yet.
Forwarding failed The accounting software did not receive the report.
Potential reasons can be incorrect/incompatible document or report data, incorrect integration setup, or malfunctioning system.
Processing Report is on its way to the accounting software.
Usually processing takes only a few seconds.
Being digitised Report has been submitted, but one or more documents are not yet verified by a human digitizer.
Possible with human verified digitisation plan only.
Pending accountant confirmation Report has been submitted, but a final review by the accountant is necessary before forwarding to the accounting software.
Submitted The report has been submitted as ready and it should move to the next state based on company settings. Normally it shouldn’t stay in this status.
Forwarded Report has been successfully sent to the accounting software.

Approval Rounds

Status Table
Colour Code Status Explanation
Rejected Approver has rejected the receipt. The receipt can be edited and submitted again.
Being approved Document is being approved by the assigned approvers.
Approved Receipt is approved by all approvers. Final status if no integration is set.
Approved and forwarded Receipt has been approved by all approvers and has reached the integrated accounting software.

Currency Conversion

Status Table
Colour Code Status Explanation
Processing currency The receipt currency is different from the company base currency. The system is waiting for the exchange rate to be published by the central bank.
A report with this status has one or more documents inside with currency being converted.
Currency converted Currency conversion process is completed.
A report with this status has one or more documents inside with converted currency.