How to start using CostPocket with Netvisor

Integration will allow you to easily import purchase invoices and update suppliers in the company register with Netvisor straight from the CostPocket app.

Enable the integration

First of all, create an account with CostPocket:
- Download the app (iPhone, Android or use on web app) and register your company. Step by step guide is available here.

Once registered, you need to enable the integrations both from CostPocket and from Netvisor side.

CostPocket side

Go to the app Settings / Integrations / Netvisor to initiate the integration. There, add the Business ID from Netvisor, it can be found in Company name > Company basic data and settings > Basic data.

Also add the User ID and Key: find them on your Netvisor dashboard. Press on your company name > API and identifiers. There, create a new API Identifier and then copy the User ID and Key to CostPocket app.

Getting the User ID and Key

Netvisor side

Now go to Settings and E-invoice settings”.

Now scroll down the page and press the Activate button for CostPocket.

Activation on Netvisor dashboard

Congratulations, you have now integrated Netvisor with CostPocket.