How to start using CostPocket with Merit Aktiva?

There are two different ways to start using CostPocket:

1) You can download our app (iPhone, Android or web app) and register your company (you will be an administrator) and then activate our service from Merit Aktiva (it adds integration to Merit Aktiva for your organization)

2) Start with activating our service form Merit Aktiva first (person who activated our service will be added as an administrator) and then download our app.

Log in to Merit Software (in this tutorial we start from Merit Aktiva):

Choose the company you would like to integrate with CostPocket

Now go to Settings and E-invoice settings

Now scroll down the page and press the Activate button for CostPocket.

Congratulations, you are now a user of CostPocket.

When you first open CostPocket service, use the same email address you use in Merit Aktiva. After adding email there go to "CONTINUE".

If your email provider is Microsoft or Google, you can log in with "Sign up with Google" or "Sign up with Microsoft". For creating a new password click “Create a password”, and after that go to email to confirm it.

Congratulation! Welcome to paperless accounting!
Our system understands that you started your sign up from Merit Aktiva and you will be added as an administrator to the right company. After logging in you will be able to add users.

How to use it:

Documents can be sent to Merit Aktiva one-by-one or with reports.

Go to Settings > Advanced settings > Turn On Use reports 

Then you can send reports to Merit Aktiva (expense reports and travel reports).

Documents can be sent to Merit one-by-one (invoices) or as reports (expense reports or travel reports).

  • Expense reports include expense documents that are coming from day-to-day operations.
  • Travel reports are made, when you travel outside from your country (in some companies, travel within your country is also considered a business trip).
  • Expense report:

    Travel report:

    Add all the necessary expense documents to your report.

    When the report is complete, click the "Submit report" button and this report will be forwarded to Merit Aktiva.

    You can also forward invoices from your email, each company has an email address under settings, just forward documents there:

    It is also possible to forward receipts/invoices/files from email to your report:

    All the documents and reports will be sent to Merit Aktiva under Unapproved invoices.

    There you will see the list of documents:

    When you open one document