ERPLY Books integration

Integrate CostPocket with ERPLY Books

To make your accounting more efficient and easy it is possible to integrate CostPocket with ERPLY Books. It will enable you to forward expense documents to accounting quickly and easily, without losing them.

This integration will also allow your employees to submit expense documents to the accounting remotely.

Costpocket functions

  • Taking pictures of receipts with the app
  • Unique Costpocket email address for invoices received by e-mail
  • Possibility to make expense and travel reports
  • Calculation of daily allowances
  • Receiving e-invoices
  • Possibility to use robot digitisation or digitisation controlled by our staffmember
  • All employees can submit documents
  • Setting up the integration between CostPocket and ERPLY Books

    ERPLY Books e-mail

    As previously mentioned, expense documents can be sent into ERPLY Books system using e-mail. Each enterprise has its own unique e-mail address through which documents get imported into ERPLY Books system.

    You can find your companies e-mail address by going to the "SETTINGS" and opening "Configuration".


    In the screen that opens, scroll to the "Email" section.

    Under General Settings, you'll see your organisation's email address, then click "Copy":



    CostPocket configuration

    Download the CostPocket app:

    Web app (can also be used with a computer)

    Create a user and register the organisation on CostPocket.

    Go to settings, select "Integrations", look for "ERPLY Books".

    You must enter your company's ERPLY Books e-mail there:

    erply books integration


    How to use it:

    Documents can be sent to ERPLY Books both individually (for example, invoices) and in a report (expense and shipping reports).

    CostPocket has 2 different reports (cost and travel report):

  • Expense reports include expense documents that are coming from day-to-day operations.
  • Travel reports are made, when you travel outside from your country (in some companies, travel within your country is also considered a business trip).
  • 1) Add the necessary information to the report:


    Expense report:

    expense report

    Travel report:

    travel report

    2) Add all the necessary expense documents to your report.

    3) When the report is complete, click the "Submit report" button and this report will be forwarded to ERPLY Books.


    Where to find submitted documents in ERPLY Books?

    1) Go to "PURCHASES".

    2) Click on "Purchase Inbox".

    ERPLY Books purchase inbox

    3) You will see a list with all of the submitted documents. Click on "Create Invoice".


    Single documents

    Make the necessary actions and click on the "Save" icon when you are done.


    Make the necessary actions and click on the "Save" icon when you are done.

    On the right, you can scroll down to see pictures of the receipts and invoices.