
Send the card report already!


App helps to prepare report within minutes

Credit card report
Travel report
Daily allowance
Approval rounds

Connect with bank card
Find missing documents automatically 

Special offer for Swedbank customers:
Three months free from signing up
Card transactions API 

Swedbank has created a new service enabling a simple and secure automatisation of expense management.

Comparing card transactions and submitted documents to CostPocket the system finds unsubmitted invoices and receipts automatically.

Start the journey in CostPocket app:
    1.  Choose Settings > Other services > Connect with bank.
    2.  Authenticate at Swedbank.
    3.  Give CostPocket access to the card account statement.

Still collecting receipts into your wallet

Not any more! Now you have an app, which helps to collect cost documents and generate a report. 

In addition it helps you to find unsubmitted documents automatically
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Thanks to CostPocket, our agency does not deal anymore with piles of wrinkled paper documents, lost or faded receipts, and manual data entry. Highly recommended to everyone valuing their time!
Rebecca Liis Armus
Rebecca Liis Armus
While the CostPocket digitisation robot handles tedious and boring tasks, we can put efforts where it really matters. The only regret is that I did not hear about this solution earlier.
Kaie Moisa
Board Member at FMJ OÜKaie Moisa

Integrations with ERP-s

Make reports fast and keep track of costs using our approval round
Free trial for 3 months

Take pictures with app or forward cost documents from inbox

CostPocket has helped companies with expense reporting and making accountants smile for some years now. 

Expense, travel and credit card reports are a breeze and approval round helps you to keep an eye on the costs.
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Find out more

Find out yourself! Swedbank customers can try the service for free for 3 months with the promo code "Swedbank" together with billing data.